Grant and Compliance Manager
Norwegian Church Aid

Introduction to NCA:

Norwegian Church Aid ('NCA') works together with people and organizations across the world in 32 countries to eradicate poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance in disasters and work for long-term development in local communities. Our primary areas of focus are the combatting of Gender Based Violence (GBV); Climate Resilient WASH; Climate SMART Economic Empowerment; and Health. Strengthening of civil society is also an important cross-cutting global goal. NCA is a member of the ACT Alliance, one of the world's largest humanitarian alliances. The Alliance consists of organizations in over 140 countries across religious faiths. Norwegian Church Aid - Together for a Just World!




Introduction to the Country Office:

Norwegian church Aid is in Sudan since 1972 and works in the fields of relief, rehabilitation, and development, and works through national partners.
NCA’s Country Office is currently in Port Sudan. It has a Field Office in Al-Gadarif, Al-Gadarif State, where its projects activities encompass GBV, Climate Resilient WASH, Climate Smart Economic Empowerment, and Health. As well, its projects activities in Kosti, White Nile State are implemented by the national partners


 Monthly Gross Salary is: USD 2,835.00
 Section/Unit: Finance
 Grade Level: Category V/ Step 5
 Supervisor: Country Head of Finance
 No. of Post: 1
 Duty Station: Gedaref
 Duration: 1 Year
 Closing Date: 08 April 2025


The Finance Department is strengthening its capacity to ensure full compliance with NCA’s operational requirements, donor expectations, and accountability commitments, and we are looking to recruit a Grants and Compliance Manager.

 Duties and responsibilities:


1. Areas of Responsibility


            a. Grants Management and Compliance.

            b. Internal Control Function.

            c. Capacity Building.

            d. Other Tasks.


2. Main Tasks


2.1 Grants and Management compliance

  • Develop and oversee over a system to document/systematize multiple donor grant and other requirements and to monitor NCA and partners’ compliance to the same. 
  • Participate in donor proposal development processes to help understanding of donor requirements, track grants acquisition and work to harmonize donor requirements with NCA standards where possible.
  • Support due diligence processes and back donor requirements in NCA and in partner organizations. 
  • Ensure partners’ compliance with donor requirements and to NCA partner agreements through regular follow-up and monitoring visits 
  • Support program team in the preparation and implementation of annual priorities for regular partner reviews, training, and monitoring visits.
  • Monitor the review of partners’ financial reports (periodic reports and Annual audited financial reports) and work with program team to ensure alignment with projects performance report
  • Ensure and support regular partner assessments, develop annual plans for capacity building and set priorities for implementation in close cooperation with other units and within NCA partnership policy guidance 
  • Review and monitor preparation of donor reports and partner annual checklist.

2.2 Planning and Budgeting

  • Take part in the budgeting processes in coordination with program staff and other stakeholders to develop a sustainable budget.
  • Ensure that NCA staff have good understanding of their role as well as donor requirements and NCA Budget processes and procedures.
  • Lead the process of budget development for proposals
  • Lead the process of budget review for partner proposals 

2.3 Internal Control Function

  • Support Monthly and year end closing in a timely and correct manner.
  • Support Timely and efficient payments and review, control bookings in Maconomy.
  •  Provide monthly and quarterly reports of the follow up of internal controls.
  • Lead donor project audits and support the preparation of annual institutional audits.

2.4 Capacity Building

  • Support the of building the financial capacity of NCA finance and programme staff to enable quality and efficient financial management.
  • Plan implement and monitor partner financial capacity development.
  • Provide technical support to finance staff and programme staff

3. Other Duty/Functions Assigned to the Position

  • Other tasks as assigned by the Head of Finance


 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

Required Education, Experience, Skill, and Personality

  • Have a relevant university degree.
  • Relevant experience from an INGO. 
  • Proven experience in managing funds from different funding sources.
  • Proven experience in quality and timely reporting.
  • Experience budgeting and reporting in different currencies.
  • Proven experience in people management
  • Good analytical skills
  • Excellent planning skills
  • Very good ability to communicate in writing and orally in English (to be documented)
  • Proficiency in Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook
  • Keeping deadlines
  • Attention to details
  • Structured
  • Proactive

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