RSSH M&E senior officer
Federal ministry of health
 Section/Unit: Program Management Unit/ Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Section.
 Grade Level: G2-B
 Supervisor: Monitoring & Evaluation Section Head
 No. of Post: 1
 Duty Station: Kassala with frequent travel to states
 Duration: 1 year with 3 months of probation period( Renewable based on appraisal and fund availability )
 Closing Date: 24 March 2025



The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) has been managing the Global Fund’s Malaria and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health grant (Malaria-RSSH) for the previous two funding cycles 2018-2023 and 2021-2023. FMOH continues to play a crucial role in the implementation of the current Malaria-RSSH grant (2024-2026) through the FMOH Global Fund Program Management Unit (PMU). In its role, the PMU ensures quality financial management, timely procurement of supplies and services for necessary implementation as well as efficient monitoring and evaluation of grant implementation activities.

The grant prioritizes access to vector control interventions, quality-assured case management, and malaria prevention during pregnancy. Core activities include mass ITNs distribution, entomological surveillance, enhanced case management (in the health facilities and in the community), and community advocacy. Beneficiaries include vulnerable populations, particularly in high malaria transmission areas, with a focus on pregnant women, children under five, and displaced communities.

The current role focuses on fostering a collaborative, quality-driven, and results-oriented approach to M&E. The candidate will work closely with the RSSH and Malaria sections, supply chain, finance, and administrative staff to provide capacity building and technical assistance to the implementing units in areas such as M&E, surveillance, and strategic information; implement the RSSH monitoring and evaluation strategy and guidelines to ensure high-quality M&E interventions, support timely preparation, and submission of required program reports to the Global Fund; and promote performance management and knowledge sharing in M&E.



 Duties and responsibilities:

Duties and responsibilities: 

  1. Provide capacity development and technical assistance to RSSH program implementing units and partners on M&E, surveillance and key strategic information areas.


  • Provide technical support to the FMoH HIS department to maintain a robust health information system, and improve reporting through the DHIS2 system.
  • Support in coordination between the various implementing units in FMoH to ensure that data collected at the health facility for RSSH interventions are adequately captured in the HMIS/DHIS2.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with the entities that is implementing key surveillance, M&E and strategic information initiatives in the RSSH program for timely completion and quality outputs.
  1. Facilitate the development of Health System Strengthening M&E plans in line with the national priorities. Implement the RSSH program monitoring and evaluation strategy and guidelines, resulting in quality M&E activities.
  • Monitor and evaluate the programmatic aspects of RSSH program implementation by FMOH PMU and its key partners and IUs including quarterly verification and reporting to management, stakeholders and donor.
  • Ensures that the Global Fund grant is being implemented in compliance with the Global Fund rules, and FMOH rules, regulations and procedures related to M&E
  • Works closely with the Malaria and RSSH program sections to identify and address any bottlenecks, constraints, challenges and opportunities in grants implementation.
  • Establish constructive communication and collaborate closely with different sections, including implementing harmonized approaches with respect to grant tracking.
  • Identify innovative approaches and modalities to achieve the program’s targets.
  • Design and disseminate M&E reporting tools and templates that supports PMU to effectively shoulder its role and enables implementing units and key partners to effectively plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the assigned grant activities.
  • Assess the M&E needs of RSSH implementing units and provide capacity development support, resulting in effective participation in Global Fund, UNICEF and LFA M&E activities, such as On Site Data Verification, and PUDR assessments.
  • Provide needed technical assistance to implementing units and partners in strengthening M&E activities.
  • Work closely with program sections to monitor the progress of grant’s activities, including routine follow up of IUs work plans and organize periodic joint performance review meetings
  • Conduct regular joint monitoring field visits to ensure timely and quality implementation of program activities vis-à-vis approved plans, with the involvement of the relevant program sections’ colleagues, local and regional implementers and federal implementing units.
  1. Support and ensure timely preparation and submission of required program reports (quarterly, annual or any other required report) to FMOH, UNICEF and Global Fund
  • Ensure the development and monitoring of performance frameworks for the Malaria-RSSH program, in close cooperation with the respective Program section.
  • Ensure regular communication and timely feedback from the implementing units and partners on quarterly and semi-annual reporting issues including timeliness, correctness, and availability of required supporting documents and the overall implementation of the agreed work plans.
  • Extract data from DHIS2 to prepare the Indicators’ results Matrices and ensure the successful joint compilation of reports to be submitted to the Global Fund (with implementing units and partners).
  1. Performance management & knowledge sharing in M&E
  • Support the development of M&E knowledge products based on lessons learned, experiences, and data generated through grant implementation and provide sound contributions to FMOH knowledge networks and communities of practice.
  • Liaise with the PMU's various sections to identify success stories and best practices learned from the grant and ensure proper documentation and dissemination.
  • Support in the provision of training and guidance to the grant and M&E staff within the PMU and develop work plans and priorities, monitor achievements, and evaluate the performance of M&E staff.


 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

Minimum Qualification, Skills, and Experience Required:


  • Post Graduate degree, preferably in Public Health, Social Sciences, Population Studies, or related areas, or a Bachler Degree in any Medical field, Social Sciences, Statistics, or related areas, and an additional 3 years of relevant working experience will also be considered.


  • A Minimum of 3 years relevant experience in supporting Health and Logistic Management Information systems, epidemiological and surveillance systems or strategic information in the country, project management, monitoring and evaluation of public health programs;
  • Understanding and experience in the Monitoring and Evaluation management tools and mechanisms of GFATM and FMOH is an advantage;
  • Relevant experience working with government counterparts;
    Sound knowledge of the FMOH program and financial procedures is a clear advantage;
  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
  • Strong IT skills
  • Ability to work under pressure in order to meet strict deadlines;
  • Ability to travel within Sudan;


Job & Other Relations:

Internal Job Relations:

  1. The PMU Manager and Deputy Manager.
  2. Mentoring & Evaluation Section.
  3. Resilience & Sustainable System for Health Section (RSSH).
  4. Malaria Section.
  5. Supply Chain Section.
  6. Finance Section.
  7. Administration Section.
  8. Procurement Section.


External Job Relations:

  1. Health Information System (HIS)
  2. Primary Health Care (PHC).
  3. National Public Health Lab
  4. Directorate General of Planning & Policies (DGPP).
  5. Directorate General of Pharmacy (DGOP).
  6. National Medicine Poisons Board, NMPB
  7. Health Human Resources (HHR).
  8. Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Control Department
  9. Integrated Vector Management Department
  10. Other relevant FMOH Department.
  11. UN Partners: UNICEF, UNDP, and WHO.



-Languages Proficiency Level Required: 




Language    Preliminary  intermediateAdvanced Professional



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