Logistic & Supply Chain Officer
Federal ministry of health
 Section/Unit: Supply Chain Section
 Supervisor: Supply Chain Section Head
 No. of Post: 1
 Duty Station: PortSudan with travel in Sudan
 Duration: 1 year with 3 months of probation period( Renewable based on appraisal and fund availability )
 Closing Date: 24 March 2025


The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) was has been managing the Global Fund’s Malaria and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health grant (Malaria-RSSH) for the previous two funding cycles 2018-2023 and 2021-2023, with excellent programmatic and financial performance. FMOH continuous to play a crucial role in the implementation of the current Malaria-RSSH grant (2024-2026) through the FMOH Global Fund Program Management Unit (PMU). In its role, the PMU ensures quality financial management, timely procurement of supplies and services for necessary implementation as well as efficient monitoring and evaluation of grant implementation activities.

The grant prioritizes universal access to vector control, quality-assured case management, and malaria prevention during pregnancy, while considering the impacts of the ongoing conflict. Core activities include mass ITNs distribution, entomological surveillance, enhanced case management (in the health facilities and in the community), and community advocacy. Beneficiaries include vulnerable populations, particularly in high malaria transmission areas, with a focus on pregnant women, children under five, and displaced communities.


Job Purpose/ Summary :


Reporting on supplies status across the supply chain, and proper stock management at lower level has been observed to be a challenge, resulting in the risk of stock out of overstock, this routinely compromises understanding of the nature of demand for medicines and health supplies, due to many factors, including late reporting. The management of health products along the supply chain is another challenge, where benefits seen at the center are not found at the service delivery point

Now, the FMOH, working through the PMU, seeks to provide support in the provision of the logistics and supply chain services, through ensuring that performance is in line with requirements under the grant (2018-2020) terms of conditions. The FMOH intends to provide services of an expert Logistics and Supply Chain, to be working at NMSF, whose task will to be provide this support to the NMSF and CNCDCD.

 Duties and responsibilities:


  • The Logistics and Supply Chain Officer will provide review the current supply chain services, taking into account performance and challenges; including opportunities to further secure the integrated procurement and supply chain, with a focus on the GF- funded health commodities. Further, the support will focus on improving stock management, data collection, supply chain- related communication and reporting to meet the GF terms and conditions. Finally, the Logistics Officer will provide focus on improving supply chain performance. In these tasks, the Logistics Officer will coordinate and collaborate with supply chain stakeholders at CNCDCD, UNDP, UNICEF and state NMSF, MOH. The logistic officer will work under the administrative and technical guidance of the PMU Supply Chain head of section.



The following are the specific terms of reference for the position of Logistics and Supply Chain Officer:

I.          Work closely with NMSF to ensure that appropriate storage network is functional 

II.        Ensure that stock management SOPs are enforced, primarily data collection and reporting are applied consistently at all levels of the supply chain, up to the service delivery point

III.       Coordinate & follow-up deliveries & liaise efficiently with suppliers for problem solving.

IV.       Update the status of planned shipments, lead-time, and the stock status (months of stock on hand) of RSSH/Malaria commodities in country.

V.        Develop and maintain databases on regular stock- status information across all levels and among all teams. (Dashboard)

VI.       Work closely with NMSF and all partners up to last mile to identify logistics’ needs (state & facility level) and maintain meeting the needs in a timely and quality manner

VII.     Assist in developing the monitoring stock reports/ distribution and pipeline information to ensure adequate stock level and avoid wastage and mitigate the risk of stock out or expiration

VIII.    Support regular site visits for monitoring and supervision to health facilities to ensure quality of commodities and accurate tracking of information.

IX.       Determine the training needs, coordinate, & develop desired trainings to build capacity of cadre involved in LMS. 

X.        Assist NMSF in providing on-the-job training on stock management of essential items and complete LMIS tool in a timely and accurate manner

XI.       Participate with National Technical Working Group (NTWG) in forecasting and quantification of medicines, supplies, and other health commodities exercise and provide technical input in mitigating challenges.

  XII. Participates in regular warehouse physical inventory counts and submits subsequent inventory reports.

XIII.    Assist in preparing national and state stock status summary and analysis reports

XIV.    Work with NMSF logistics team to review and set out appropriate supply solutions & risk mitigation measures.

XV.     Support NMSF in periodic inventories, stock clearance and investigations of discrepancies

XVI.    Provide technical guidance to improve record keeping, timely reporting, warehouse management, and accountability for medicines, supplies and other health commodities 

XVII.  Conduct routine supervisory visits to the State, Locality and health facilities

XVIII. Prepare routine Logistics and Supply chain reports for PMU-PR (including volumes, values, incoming goods, warehouse stocks and distribution and in collaboration with partners)

XIX.    Assist in maintaining appropriate filing of all logistics and shipping documents.


I.          Support to institutionalization of supply chain reforms as established under the NSCS, NQAP and institutional policies

II.        Framework for logistics and supply support to NMSF (central and state), and at service delivery points

III.       Technical support to warehouse management, supporting good practice

IV.       Technical support to stock management, to remove risk of stock- outs, expiry, damage to goods

V.        Programme for HR for Supply Chain capacity building.

VI.       Routine reporting to the PMU each month on state of the supply chain

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

  • University Degree (Bachelor) in Pharmacy 
  • Training in Logics and Supply Chain Management or post-graduate training in public health requirement
  • Spoken and written Arabic and English are a requirement
  • Writing and reporting skills are a requirement
  • Business Administration qualification will be an advantage requirement
  • Spoken and written Arabic and English are a requirement
  • Writing and reporting skills are a requirement
  • Business Administration qualification will be an advantage

Experience :


Preference given to candidates with at least 3 years' experience working in the health system, and ideally in the health care supply chain 

  •          Understand warehouse and inventory management and related computer systems
  •         Creating distribution/shipping/delivery routes and schedules
  •        Demonstrated initiative, and ability to work independently with minimal supervision 
  •         Experience working in Multi Donors - funded projects an advantage 
  •        Strong interpersonal skills and team player with proven technical and negotiation skills and willingness to travel the state
  • Overall, the Logistics Officer will report to the PMU (Supply Chain HOS)

Internal  Job Relations :


  1. Monitoring and Evaluation section
  2. RSSH section 
  3. Malaria Section
  4. Procurement Section
  5. Finance Section
  6. Admin Section  

External  Job Relations :


  1. National Medicine Supplies Fund , NMSF
  2. National Medicine Poisons Board, NMPB
  3. Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Control Department 
  4. National Public Health Lab 
  5. Integrated Vector Management Department 
  6. Customs Authorities.
  7. Ministry of Finance and economic planning.
  8. Other relevant FMOH Department. 
  9.   UN Partners UNDP, UNICEF, WHO

Languages Proficiency  Level Required :


Language                        Basic intermediateAdvanced Professional

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