RSSH Section
Grade Level:
RSSH Technical Officer
No. of Post:
Duty Station:
Kassala with frequent travel to states
1 year with 3 months of probation period( Renewable based on appraisal and fund availability )
Closing Date:
22 March 2025
Background: The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) was has been managing the Global Fund’s Malaria and Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health grant (Malaria-RSSH) for the previous two funding cycles 2018-2023 and 2021-2023, with excellent programmatic and financial performance. FMOH continuous to play a crucial role in the implementation of the current Malaria-RSSH grant (2024-2026) through the FMOH Global Fund Program Management Unit (PMU). In its role, the PMU ensures quality financial management, timely procurement of supplies and services for necessary implementation as well as efficient monitoring and evaluation of grant implementation activities. The grant prioritizes universal access to vector control, quality-assured case management, and malaria prevention during pregnancy, while considering the impacts of the ongoing conflict. Core activities include mass ITNs distribution, entomological surveillance, enhanced case management (in the health facilities and in the community), and community advocacy. Beneficiaries include vulnerable populations, particularly in high malaria transmission areas, with a focus on pregnant women, children under five, and displaced communities.
Duties and responsibilities:
Job Purpose/ Summary: Ensures the implementation of the GF-ATM, RSSH strategy and guidelines, timely preparation and submission of required program reports to GF-ATM, and ensures facilitation of knowledge building, knowledge sharing and Performance management in the area of planning and RSSH activities implementation as following: 1.Technical support for scaling up of RSSH interventions in Sudan - Provide technical assistance to implementing units and stakeholders involved in RSSH intervention implementation, in order to effectively utilize GF resources.
- Provide support to implementing units and counterparts on the implementation of activities related to RSSH interventions within the overall framework of FMOH and GF.
- Support the process of acquiring Technical Assistance (national and international) for the implementation of RSSH interventions including preparation of ToRs, identify, select and evaluate individuals and / or companies.
- Support implementing unit in the requisition process and liquidation of implemented activities to insure efficient grant management.
2. RSSH interventions management, including monitoring and ensuring achievement - Support in the development of work plans, budgets, operational plans, performance frameworks, M&E and PSM plans for RSSH interventions, in close cooperation with the various PMU sections ( PSM, finance and M&E) and the respective implementing units.
- Support the RSSH team in the coordination between the different implementing units and FMOH departments for effective implementation of harmonized interventions and approaches for any RSSH cross cutting issues.
- Support the timely preparation of the RSSH interventions quarterly programmatic and financial progress reports as well as annual work plans and activity schedules with other sections within the PMU and implementing units.
- Support the M&E section towards effective monitoring, timely reporting and analysis of results of projects to incorporate lessons learnt into recommendations for improvement to be implemented by partners.
- Support in monitoring implementation of work plans by implementing units, UN partners and stakeholders, and ensure effective coordination amongst them; including conducting monthly meeting with respective implementing units and to follow up on programme implementation.
- In accordance with approved grant work plans and budgets, timely prepare and monitor procurement plans and technical specifications in close consultation with the relevant implementing units and facilitate procurement of commodities with the procurement section of the GF PMU.
- Work closely with Administration team to maintain an assets inventory for RSSH component
3. Create partnerships and ensure harmonization - Support in the coordination and operational harmonization of RSSH interventions in Sudan; and work closely with all partners supporting the RSSH intervention efforts in Sudan.
- Work closely with the relevant Sub-committees and prepare regular reports and updates for a better and systematic monitoring and evaluation of RSSH interventions.
- Support in the coordination between the different technical sections as well as M&E, including implementing harmonized approaches with respect to the financial tracking of grants and annual financial reporting, and any other cross-cutting issues.
4. Performance management, knowledge sharing and capacity building - Support in capacity building and knowledge sharing on RSSH interventions specific issues for PMU and implementing unit staff, through (on-the-job) trainings and synthesis of lessons learned/best practices.
- Support in compiling best practices in implementing Global Fund program activities at the country level and ensure that these are disseminated internally and externally.
- Support in the development of knowledge products based on lessons learned, experiences and data generated through program implementation.
- Support and facilitate capacity building of the relevant implementing unit and other relevant partners to mobilize/utilize GF resources.
5. Undertake any other tasks as assigned by the supervisor.
Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:
Qualification: Bachelor degree in Public Health, medicine or other health related field, Master degree is preferred. Experience: - A minimum of 5 years demonstrated experience working in public health programs; and not more than 10 years. experience in M&E is also required.
- Sound knowledge about of RSSH interventions, and an understanding of international mechanisms in place to deal with RSSH and public health issues in Sudan and/or other developing country context;
- Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills, as well as proven management skills.
- Ability to analyze health data, evaluate program effectiveness, and develop evidence-based recommendations.
- Proficient in using computer software for data analysis and presentations.
- Capacity to work independently and as part of a team in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
- Demonstrated commitment to public service and improving the health system in Sudan.
- Ability to travel within Sudan;
- Experience in working with government counterparts;
Job & Other Relations: - Internal Job Relations:
- Monitoring and Evaluation section
- Supply Chain Section
- Procurement Section
- Finance Section
- Malaria Section
- Admin Section
External Job Relations: - Communicable Disease Control Department, DCD
- Integrated Vector Control Unit, IVM
- Health Information System, HIS
- National Medical Supplies Fund (NMSF)
- National Medicine and poison Board (NMPB)
- UN partners, WHO, UNIECF, UNDP
- Relevant Government Authorities
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