MEAL Coordinator
Sudanese Red Crescent Society
 Vacancy No: 1
 Section/Unit: PMER
 Supervisor: National Society Development Director
 Duty Station: Port Sudan
 Duration: 12 months
 Closing Date: 17 March 2025


The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) is a lead National society in providing quality humanitarian work, was established in 1956 and accepted into the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The SRCS operates across the Sudan with 18 branches.

The mission of (SRCS)  is to provide humanitarian aid services towards building secure and capable urban and rural communities through the transition to resilience, recovery, rehabilitation and development, in compliance with International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Principles and guidelines and in conformity with international human rights, through a sustainable development approach where environment conservation and rationalized use of natural resources are considered top priorities to help guarantee a safe global environment for future generations.   

 Duties and responsibilities:


  • Plan, organize, direct and control planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning activities of the operation. 
  • Adapt & Contextualize Standard Operations Procedures and operational guidelines on initiatives that help to ensure the quality of programs/projects’ quality such as Community Engagement & Accountability (CEA) , PGI, throughout the program/project cycle and overseas its implementation;
  • Take part and play a key role in coordinating strategic plan preparation & review and make sure it works according to the NS strategy 
  • Initiate, lead, coordinate and provide technical support to HQ departments and branches on Annual Operational Plan preparation.
  • Ensure the quality of the Annual Operational Plan prepared by HQ departments and branches and ensure their vertical and horizontal integration.
  • In close collaboration and coordination with DM Department at HQ annually compiled Annual Operational Plan, consolidated budget and periodic reports of the SRCS.
  • Appraise project/program proposals before submitting to the partner.


  • Supervise indicator trucking tables of the programs, operations and sections to be included into one ITT 
  • Provide technical support to HQ and Projects have Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
  • Ensure Project Field Monitoring TORs are prepared in line with their respective Project Monitoring and Evaluation plan and have harmonized data collection tools with the indicators to be monitored.
  • Collect, document, incorporate key issues from Project Field Monitoring Reports into the SRCS  Periodic reports and disseminate for enhancement of organizational learning.



  • Prepare a reporting timetable and ensure timely preparation and submission of reports to internal and external stakeholders.
  • lead, coordinate and provide technical support to HQ debarments and branches on periodic report preparation.
  • In close collaboration and coordination with NSD department responsible at HQ compile periodic reports of the SRCS. 


  • In close collaboration and coordination with NSD at HQ and branches organize periodic program review sessions to review the progress of the operation Plan.
  • Lead and coordinate joint field monitoring visits, prepare their reports and disseminate the findings to all relevant stakeholders.
  • Provide technical and joint project evaluations’ TOR based on their M&E plan and upon the approval of the internal/joint evaluation TOR organize Evaluation committee, Evaluation team and undertake the evaluation. 
  • Prepare and document evaluation reports and disseminate for relevant stakeholders.
  • Assist Management Action Plan preparation as a result of evaluation reports and follows-up their implementation.
  • Ensure the quality of TORs prepared for external evaluations, inception and final reports thereof.
  • Organize and coordinate relief items post distribution monitoring of distributions directly undertaken by the HQ.
  • Organize community of practices, develop wikis and blogs in major program thematic areas to enhance learning in the SRCS.
  • Ensure that all the planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning activities are supported with the appropriate and up to date technologies.
  • Ensure CEA activities and approaches is integrated into operation life cycle and implemented as part of ensuring the quality of operation.
  • Integrate CEA into M&E processes for Programs/Projects, ensure communities are consulted and feedback is regularly collected and documented to understand levels of satisfaction with the operations.
  •  Work with the MEAL team in identify and formulate evaluation findings and studies/research, lessons learned and recommendations to be integrated into broader knowledge management efforts and draft them for wider dissemination
  • Support, organize and conduct results-oriented monitoring and evaluation trainings (including quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, and shift to mobile data collection) in the SRCS and for implementing partner
  • Reports periodically its performance to NSD director 
  • Performs other related duties as may be assigned by the NSD director 
  • supervise the process of baseline, end line, MTR, and final evaluation.

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

  • BSC on Business Administration or relevant field.
  • Minimum 5 years’ working experience in the field of MEAL.
  • Preferable experience with INGOs /NGOs.
  • Computer knowledge and experience on Microsoft office (word, excel)
  • Has a skills and experience with SPSS, or any relevant soft system for data collection technology.
  •  Knowledge of and demonstrated personal commitment to relevant organizational codes of conduct, including anti-fraud and anti-corruption, safeguarding etc.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience of participatory approach in training and community development
  • Fluent in English and Arabic.

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