SCOPE OF THE ROLE: The Senior CCD Collaboration Manager role in Sudan involves providing CVA expertise and leadership to establish a technical and strategic framework for CCD operations in Sudan. This includes facilitating collaboration among six member agencies (CRS, IRC, WV, ACF, RI, and SCI), promoting joint activities, and ensuring adherence to the Sudan CCD Platform Governance Framework. Drawing on lessons from contexts like South Sudan, Colombia, and Ukraine, the manager will lead efforts to scale cash programming, improve efficiency and transparency, and support locally led responses. Key responsibilities include: - Coordinating NGO/civil society collaborations to enhance cash programming effectiveness.
- Developing innovative approaches like data interoperability governance for improved de-duplication and referrals.
- Promoting joint capacity-building initiatives and harmonized CVA assessments.
- Engaging with donors, stakeholders, and strategic fora for advocacy and resource mobilization.
- Supporting strategy evolution, program design, and development.
The role requires convening stakeholders, fostering innovation, and driving collaborative action to strengthen humanitarian CVA in Sudan. Reports to: 6 agency Collaborative Cash Delivery Platform Steering Committee in Country, with an administrative reporting line on workplan to focal point within hosting agency (Save the Children), and a dotted line to global ccd coordinator Staff reporting to this post: None Key Working Relationships: - Internal: Sudan CVA TA and CCD focal points and CCD members
- External: Cash Working Group, Cluster Leads, Donors, Sudan Cash consortia’s lead agencies, NGO members, Civil society groups, CCD Global Facilitators, other CCD Collaboration Managers, and CVA technical forum representatives at the Global and Regional levels.
Budget Responsibilities: None KEY AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY: General - Facilitate the functioning and operationalization of the Steering Committee of the CCD at the country level and serve as chair and convener of the Steering Committee by working with the members to ensure clear strategies, priorities and transparent decision making.
- Convene CCD agencies regularly and as needed communicating clear meeting objectives, agenda, and outputs.
- Support the setup of CDD technical working groups/streams as required and ensure clear objectives and scope. Lead the development, and maintenance, of an up-to-date work plan for the CCD, including priority actions for the first year.
- Continue to socialize the CCD platform principles and structure in Sudan including with members, donors, government authorities, UN agencies, financial service providers, relevant clusters, and other stakeholders.
- Work in close collaboration with the Cash Working group to ensure synergies and complementarity of purpose.
- Support the development of technical and programmatic components of funding submissions/ proposals for the CCD Platform, including inter-agency partnerships and ensure feasibility and adherence to minimum technical quality standards.
- As needed and funding permitted, support the recruitment of other CCD dedicated staff, and supervise and capacity build where applicable, in line with the agreed Governance Framework.
- Build upon opportunities to map the geographic presence, available resources, systems and capacities and innovations of CCD members in Sudan, with the view to having members pre-positioned in various contexts to respond rapidly in crisis situations.
- Manage the knowledge created by the Sudan CCD Platform: analyze and synthesize information from the various operational responses, workstreams and other stakeholders including key challenges, and systematically capture/document learning.
- Liaise with global CCD focal points and other country-level CCD leads to share learning and experience and utilize this in shaping the CCD in Sudan.
- Coordinate the identification of staff capacity and technical assistance needs of CCD organizations and capacity strengthening and required interventions to support quality project implementation.
- Coordinate and monitor any financial and material resources for the CCD Platform collective activities. Through planning and oversight ensure efficient use of resources.