WASH Officer
Relief International

Relief International (RI) is an international non-governmental organization US and UK based, working in the humanitarian field since 2004 in Sudan, providing emergency relief and early recovery activities to internally displaced persons (IDP) and rural communities, focusing in lifesaving health and nutrition services. RI is looking for qualified candidates to fill the vacancies mentioned herewith

 Section/Unit: WASH / Program
 Grade Level: G4
 Supervisor: WASH Coordinator
 No. of Post: 2
 Duty Station: Port Sudan-Gadaref
 Duration: 9 months
 Closing Date: 31 Oct 2024



 The WASH Officer’s main tasks will be providing technical, operational and administrative assistance thought-out the WASH programming process, through the application of theoretical and practical skills in the assessment, analysis, the designing, implementation and coordination of emergency WASH interventions, and the training of local staff and stakeholders in WASH related topics

 Duties and responsibilities:

Key Responsibilities:
Under the general guidance of WASH Coordinator, the officer will undertake the following duties.
• Conduct water, sanitation and hygiene need of assessment and analysis independently/ in collaboration with partners and local government sectors.
• Undertake field visits and surveys, collect and share reports with partners/stakeholders. Report critical issues, bottlenecks and potential problems to supervisor, for timely action.
• Conduct design of the project water supply schemes, hygiene and sanitation facilities to the standard.
• Involve in the project contract administration of WASH facilities that will be implemented and/or subcontracted for private contractors.
• Supervise and be responsible for all the technical aspect for project implementation, make sure that contractors complete project work in a timely, efficient, and accurate manner with respect to standard engineering.
• Ensure community involvement at all phases of the project and the development of community ownership of the project.
• Guarantee the respect of construction standards as well as the safety practices at the project site.
• Provide feedback to the monitoring and evaluation system in order to assess the effectiveness and the impact of the projects and propose recommendations for improvement.
• Facilitate and maintain a good professional relationship between RI, communities, government sectors and partners. 
•  Provide regular written and verbal reports to the WASH coordinator on the on-progress activities.
• Develop and maintain weekly, monthly plans and written comprehensive records of engineering work undertaken in the project including site visits and reporting of work progress.
• Ensure that cross cutting issues such as protection, gender and environment protection are addresses and mainstreamed in the project.
• Community WaSH:
• Water supply:
• Assess & evaluate the feasibilities for construction/rehabilitation of WaSH facilities in the program based on standards and document detailed information yield, number of beneficiaries per facility, accessibility to wider community without exposures to protection risks for children, women & disadvantaged/vulnerable groups of the community.  
• Make sure the scopes of selected facilities are within the project budget ceiling and negotiate with locality stakeholders to counterbalance the costs of rehabilitations are within the project target, manageable within the project lifetime in terms of access including safety, proximity(distance), ease of transportation of construction materials & optimal usage of logistics.
• Produce appropriate, durable, cost-effective, gender-responsive & culture sensitive design options of WaSH schemes construction/rehabilitation in consultation of the relevant stakeholders & community including women & children.
o Supervise progress of constructions & rehabilitations and share realistic progress of activities towards positive advancing in achievements through openness for support at during challenges.
o Conduct jar test to determine chlorine batching for specific sites to determine the volume of chlorine mother solution (1%) that ensures minimum of 0.3mg/lit FRC at HH level. 
o Conduct regular monitoring & documentation of water trucking distribution volume, quality & organized delivery to the project target beneficiaries based on RI water quality surveillance plan (once a month at source, twice a month at point of delivery & weekly at HH levels) & standards. 
o Conduct water quality test for RI constructed/rehabilitated water facilities at least three times during the project period (before construction/rehabilitation, after rehab/construction & at the end of the project)
o Make sure that RI water trucking activity will not overwhelm & result in damage to the community water systems serving as RI water trucking sources by provision of consumables (oil, lubricants, spare parts & fuel if necessary)
o Assess the capacity of locality water office experts & provide job training to locality water offices on water quality testing & chlorination.
o Conduct water users/community consultation meeting for transparent selection/revitalization of water management committees with equal & meaningful representation of women as per the Sudan water management policy and guidance.
o Facilitate the provision of training & tools to the water management committees. 
• Hygiene & Sanitation Promotion:
• Gather information including top 5/10 mortality & morbidity reports to identify evidence based key areas of WaSH behavioural change (RCCE) interventions in collaboration with RI Health & Nutrition team
• Conduct assessment of risky hygiene behaviours that contribute to public health risks and diseases prevalence at household & community levels
• Conduct consultations to identify context specific and acceptable hygiene promotion approach/methodologies, prepare terms of reference & conduct hygiene & sanitation promotion sessions/campaigns/hygiene education within the earmarked budget at least once quarterly.
• Make sure that all hygiene & sanitation promotion methodologies & messages are designed to reach all audiences of different age groups, sex, literacy level,
• Coordinate hygiene promotion activities with Health & nutrition team and make sure the activities also contribute IYCF and TFSP programs.
• Conduct hygiene volunteers training with transparent & accountable selection of trainees cooperating with locality health office Conduct regular monitoring & evaluations to track the behavioural changes before & after our hygiene promotion interventions with clearly documented records of successes & improvement plan for gaps & challenges.
• Sanitation:
• Assess & evaluate the feasibilities of sanitation facilities as per plan in the project based on standards and document detailed information yield, total number of beneficiaries per facility, accessibility to wider community without exposures to protection risks for children, women & disadvantaged/vulnerable groups of the community.  
• Conduct community consultations on preference of design options, structure locations & doors orientations for enhanced convenience of usages.
• Produce appropriate, durable, cost-effective, inclusive, gender-responsive & culture sensitive design options of WaSH schemes construction/rehabilitation in consultation of the relevant stakeholders & community including women & children.
• Supervise progress of constructions & rehabilitations and share realistic progress of activities towards positive advancing in achievements through openness for support at during challenges.
• Ensure that the facilities are sex-segregated, there is space & appurtenances for disabled and children as well as availability of water & sanitary pad disposal options for girls/women in menstruation age.
• WaSH NFIs:
o Coordinate with locality stakeholders, partners, RI nutrition team for targeting & verification of WaSH NFI distribution. 
o Plan & distribute WaSH NFIs & MHM/dignity kits with proper accountability & feedback mechanisms
o Conduct water treatment chemicals usage demonstrations before distribution.
• WaSH in Health Care Facilities for WaSH projects Integrated with health & Nutrition
• Conduct assessments of HCFs Wash coverages for implementation of RI IPC standards
• Identify gaps & place corrective measures with implementation Plan for improvements with defined period within the project 
• Monitor progresses regularly to achieve the minimum standards as per the project plan 
• Contribute to HCFs Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) 
• Assess the IPC practice/coverage including, human resources (staffing & training), waste collection, segregation & disposal supplies & infrastructures.
• Coordinate with Health & Nut team to identify key priority IPC supports.
• Prepare HCFs IPC improvement plan within the project period with clear accountability matrixes among RI, facility management & locality. 
• Implement the IPC improvement plan in-line with the scope & budget of the project and Coordinate with H&N team to advocate for filling gaps in partnership with government & other actors.
• If planned in the project, provide PPE, cleaning products & materials.
• Ensure proper IPC precautions are practiced during milk preparation in SC including provision of chlorine solution for proper disinfection before usage of utensils and tools.
• Regularly supervise & monitor the IPC situations in RI wards especially SCs, maternity & U5 wards,
• Ensure water availability in reasonable quantity & quality for patients, caregivers & staff.
• Conduct regular quality testing, chlorination, and documentation of the water supply.
• Install & regularly clean storage tanks to ensure minimum of 2 days storage capacity.
• Conduct regular monitoring of RI facilities water system for preventive maintenance action.
• Ensure that RI wards are cleaned regularly with proper procedures & products based on the standard IPC risk zones classifications. 
• Collaborate with facilities management to evaluate the cleaners’ awareness & practice of proper cleaning procedures & practices to support with capacity building & supplies
• Fixing all broken tapes and fitting in RI intervention wards/areas
• Ensuring functionality of latrines/Showers/hand washes in RI medical intervention areas
• Assess the availability protected/fenced, proper & functional designated waste disposal area in RI facilities in proper distance & location relative to water sources, human dwellings and away from access for children, animals & rodents.
• Provide on job training to medical & paramedical staff regularly on medical waste collection, segregation & disposal in collaboration with H&N team.
• Ensure availability of waste collection supplies with clear labelling & segregation of waste all types within reasonable quantity & distances as per standards
• Work with the district health authority & RI H&N team to ensure availability of dedicated staff for medical waste management. 
• Install, Fenced, and protected of waste management area based on the RI emergency medical waste management standards with washing area. 
• Fixing sharp boxes reducer drum burners in waste management area
• Ensure proper functionality & management of placenta/organic pit.
• Train usage, operation & maintenance of new waste management areas installed by RI.
• Assess the availability & storage of expired/partially used toxic medical wastes, advocate for proper disposals & provide technical/logistics supports. 
• Conduct assessment of prevalence, vulnerability & calendar of vector borne disease, 
• Assess the locality’s response plan, capacity (supplies, logistics & HR)
• Identify areas RI potential response areas based on relevance with our project & availability of funds.
• Include key areas requiring improvement to the hygiene promotion strategy.
• Make sure RI interventions will not contribute to vectors’ breeding & transmissions through installation of proper liquid & solid disposal options (including soak-pits for water points, hand washing facilities etc)
• Provide support on local authorities’ vector responses technically, provision of project specific supplies if available & logistics.
• Core Policies: Ensure that all actors involved in the WaSH response including casual workers, contractors, water truck operators, locality experts working with/for RI are provided basic awareness on PSEA & codes of conduct.
• Environment: Conduct environmental impact of the project activities with clearly defined mitigation measures to reduce adverse effects that might happen in short & long durations and ensure ‘DO NO HARM’’ or RI safe programming policy at every course of the actions.
• Visibility:  Ensure visibilities of appropriate size logos of RI & the project donor as per RI visibility & branding procedures in consultation & under guidance of the Field management.
• Build and sustain close working partnerships with government sectors and partners at locality/state level through active sharing of information and knowledge to facilitate programme implementation and build capacity of stakeholders to achieve WASH output results.
• Participate in locality-based cluster, inter-agency meetings/events on WASH programming to collaborate with inter-agency partners/colleagues representing RI when assigned.
• Provide regular updates (biweekly and monthly) to supervisor and team on progress, priorities and constraints – verbally and in writing.  
• Implement MEAL plans for WASH activities to track progress and impact.
• Conduct regular monitoring visits to project sites to collect data and assess the quality of WASH interventions.
• Support baseline, midline, and endline surveys to measure project outcomes and impact.
• Ensure accountability mechanisms are in place, including feedback and complaints systems for beneficiaries.
• Promote a culture of learning by sharing lessons learned and best practices with the WASH team and other stakeholders.
• Ensure all WASH activities are conducted in a manner that protects beneficiaries from harm and abuse.
• Support the Implementaton and monitoring of safeguarding measures to ensure compliance with RI’s safeguarding policies.
• Report any safeguarding concerns or incidents in line with RI’s reporting procedures.
• B.Sc. Degree in Water Engineering, Hydraulic, Water Resources, Water Supply and sanitation Civil engineering and other related fields.
• Minimum of 3 years of proven and progressive work experience, at least 1 year in NGOs.
• Proficient in computer skills (MS word, Excel, Power Point, Auto Cad & Water Cad)
• Fluency in English & Arabic languages is required.
Skills and Abilities.
• Familiarity with the culture.
• Ability to work in stressful conditions, and limited movements.
•  Ability to work independently with minimum supervision and in a highly results oriented work culture.






 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

• B.Sc. Degree in Water Engineering, Hydraulic, Water Resources, Water Supply and sanitation Civil engineering and other related fields.
• Minimum of 3 years of proven and progressive work experience, at least 1 year in NGOs.
• Proficient in computer skills (MS word, Excel, Power Point, Auto Cad & Water Cad)
• Fluency in English & Arabic languages is required.
Skills and Abilities.
• Familiarity with the culture.
• Ability to work in stressful conditions, and limited movements.
•  Ability to work independently with minimum supervision and in a highly results oriented work culture.
• Knowledge, skill and experience in participatory methods for promoting ownership.
• Team player who is able to work collaboratively and with people of diverse backgrounds.
• Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy

To apply: 
Please, submit your CV, work certificates and qualification and state the name of position on the envelop, a telephone contact number and three professional references to Labor Office Port Sudan or online through Sudanjob.net, Closing date: 31.10.2024, at 14:00 pm. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the interview. To find out more about Relief International please visit our website at http://www.ri.org

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