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MSM - Project Assistant (Community Mobilization
We go the last mile: ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard-to-reach areas. ACTED develops and implements programs that target the most vulnerable amongst populations that have suffered from conflict, natural disaster, or socio-economic hardship. ACTED’s approach looks beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihoods reconstruction and sustainable development.

 Section/Unit: Program
 Grade Level: E1
 Duty Station: Khartoum-Karari
 Duration: 5 Months
 Closing Date: 03 August 2024


The Mobile Site Management (MSM) Project Assistant (Community Mobilization) supports the Community Mobilization Officer in the implementation of the community mobilization activities in the sites. This includes but is not limited to the development/implementation/follow-up of a Communication with Communities (CwC) scheme and the establishment/support to self-governance structures. The Project Assistant (Community Mobilization) also provides support in the supervision of MSM outreach workers in the implementation of the CwC/Self-governance activities.

Under the authority of:

  • MSM Community Mobilization Officer
  • Team Leader

Line Management:

MSM Outreach workers.


  • Other units of MSM team;
  • HR department;
  • Logistics for MSMC suppliers;
  • Finance for payments of outreach workers;


  • Site administration.
  • IDPs in and out of the site;
  • Humanitarian Partners (INGO/NGO; humanitarian agencies).
  • Support the Community Mobilization Officer in the development/implementation/follow-up of an effective Communication with Communities (CwC) Scheme
  • Support the Community Mobilization Officer in establishment/support provision to self-governance structures in the sites
  • Support in the management of the MSM outreach workers
  • Support in the reporting of the CwC/Self-governance activities

 Duties and responsibilities:

  1. Support implementation of an effective CwC scheme:
  • Support the Community Mobilization Officer (CMO) in the management of CwC activities, including but not limited to: ensuring regular awareness messages and public information announcements to the community, preparing of topics and campaign material;
  • Engage actively the community in CwC activities such as, but not limited to messaging, FGDs, campaigns, awareness and feedback sessions;
  • Ensure immediate action is taken to address site residents request for information on service provided within the site;
  • Support the CMO in preparing/sharing with relevant stakeholders (i.e. actors active on site, regional coordination bodies, local authorities) monthly report on CwC activities in the site, reporting on completed activities/challenges, communicating on planned ones and stress out potential gaps/foreseeable challenges;
  • Support the CMO in the organization of sensitization, awareness campaigns and trainings for the community tailored to the needs and including proactive and reactive campaigns.
  • Support CMO in management of self-governance activities, including preparing weekly plans, a schedule for community consultation on favoured governance structures, organization of elections/appointment (if required) and draft site governance structure ToRs (if required);
  • Provide trainings to the appointed head of site governance structures (i.e. Humanitarian Principles, SPHERE Standards…);
  • Facilitate the organization / monitor self- governance structures’ weekly meetings;
  • Organize community-lead events in consultation with the heads of site governance structures and the wider site population;
  • Support the CMO with reporting on the governance structure and CwC as required;
  • Flag immediately any challenges/foreseen issues with the governance and CwC activities to the CMO and Sr. MSM Officer;
  • Ensure accurate record keeping of project documentation, including photos, as requested by the Community Mobilization Officer.
  • Adhere and Promot to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse principles and guidelines (for site residents, ACTED staff, partner agencies);
  • Support and promote participation of women, youth, and marginalised groups;
  • Refer immediately protection cases identified to ACTED Protection Officer for referral to protection actors.
  • Day to day supervision and management the MCCM Outreach workers (i.e. attendance sheet signature, follow-up with finance…);
  • Commitment to continuous learning through trainings and timely identification of capacity-building needs and opportunities, in coordination with the Community Mobilization Officer / MSMC Team Leader / HR department.

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:


  • At least 6-months – 1 year working experience in Information Management / administration of data using computers for an NGO (Nation or International);
  • University degree;
  • Proficient skills with the Microsoft Office Suite (Power Point);
  • Experience interacting with external and internal partners;
  • Fluency writing and speaking local language;
  • Positive attitude and a willingness to learn;
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Strong attention to details;
  • Interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Does not reside in the sites.


  • Degree with major in relevant field;
  • Translation skills (from Arabic to English and vice-versa);
  • Certificate/Training in business management, accounting, or administration, database.
  • 3-months managerial experience, including leading/supervising staff, report writing, meeting facilitation;
  • Good in speaking and written English.

# of training(s) completed with site governance structures.

# of community-lead events held in consultation with the site population.

# of awareness campaigns implemented.

# of FGDs facilitated to identify campaign topics and hot issues;

# of women, youth, elderly and PWDs represented in governance structure and participating in FGDs and sensitization sessions.

# of ORW attendance sheets duly filed;

# of trainings conducted with ORWs.

Please Apply Before 3 August 2024

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