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Working with Muslim-Aid as local and national partners
Muslim Aid

Muslim Aid is a faith-based British international charity that provides help to people who are victims of natural disasters, conflict or suffering from poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy. It was established in the United Kingdom in 1985 in response to the drought in the Horn of Africa. Muslim Aid's Sudan Country office (MASCO) was set up in 1991 in response to the strategic need and to enable the continuation of effective aid work in the country. Currently, Muslim Aid is implementing projects in Kassala, Central Darfur and Red Sea State , Algazieera State , Gdarief State in Sudan.

 Section/Unit: Managment
 Grade Level: 00
 Supervisor: 00
 No. of Post: 1
 Duty Station: Madani
 Duration: 1 year
 Closing Date: 30 Oct 2023


INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Muslim Aid - UK Sudan country office (MASCO) has been working in Sudan since the 1991 in response to the ongoing needs of the Sudanese people living through conflict and the effects of drought. Main office is based in Khartoum other field offices are opened in Al-Gazeera, Kassala and Algadaref to facilitate the organization’s ongoing projects and activities. MA used to work in other states such as Red sea and central Darfur, and seeking to expand the programme intervention to other vulnerable states. MASCO have worked with Sudanese and refugee communities toward a better future for Sudan, in the following thematic areas: • Emergency response – Distributing food to refugees in Eastern Sudan • Emergency Education – improving access to education and removing social barriers • Health care programmes – providing nutrition for women and children • Economic Empowerment – livelihood support to rebuild independent business • WASH – water and sanitation facilities to improve public health. As a faith based international NGO, Muslim Aid draws upon a rich heritage of social action and working with various communities to improve the lives of others in need. Muslim Aid commits itself to working with: • Dignity (Karamah) Treating people with respect, valuing their agency and enabling self-sufficiency. • Justice (Adala) Placing fairness at the heart of our work and aiming to provide just outcomes for the communities we support. • Excellence (Ihsan) Striving for the highest standards in all aspects of our work by holding ourselves accountable and constantly improving our systems and processes. • Compassion (Rahma) Building strong relationships based on showing mercy, understanding and empathy for people's needs. • Service (Khidma) Putting the needs of our beneficiaries first so that we can serve them in the way that they want to be served. Inspired by our faith, we work with an inclusive approach to all peoples; regardless of their faith, race, ethnicity, age and ability. The complexity and dynamic nature of the MA work we engage with, seek participatory approach from all levels to address the underlying structural and systematic causes of poverty within the communities we work with. Working in this manner enables us to partner with all those committed to improving the lives of others and saving lives of crisis-affected communities, regardless of their own faith. In terms of projects and target groups, MASCO has been working with the host communities, refugees as well as IDPS through funding from institutional donor as well as MA-HQ. The projects implemented in the last two years include emergency life-saving, health, nutrition, protection, WASH, food security, livelihood and economic empowerment, wet feeding, and education etc:

 Duties and responsibilities:

OBJECTIVES The objectives of the expression of interest are to:  Identify potential partners operating in different states of Sudan.  Collect and evaluate the documents submitted by the potential partners and against selection criteria  Shortlist the potential partners and conduct due diligence  Select the partners that meet the selection criteria and due diligence  Conduct a capacity needs assessment of the selected partners and build their capacity.  Work with partners to implement projects in their designated areas.

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

REQUIREMENTS The following is the basic requirements: The potential partners:  Must be local, state or national Sudanese organization that is registered with Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) at state or federal level.  Must have a valid registration certificate  Must be operational in at least one of the states of Sudan. Being operational in two or more states is additional advantage.  Must have its own or rented offices in its operational state or states  Must have an experienced technical team that can timely and effectively implement projects in the target states.  Must fill out and submit the online formation  Must submit all the documents required  Must be ready for due diligence  Must be neutral in the current conflict or must not be affiliated with any party  Must not be a political organization

PROCESS AND TIMELINE The following is the process of selection of partners: The potential partners will express their interest in the partnership with MA-Sudan by sending an email to Muslim aid (partnershipmuslimaid.sudan@gmail.com) by stating that they are willing to submit the information and documents required by Muslim Aid. The partners will fill in online application form and will provide and submit all the information required, through google form: https://forms.gle/PyHjjRqJGU2pTRjXA

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