- Job closed -

Community Health Educator
Medecins sans Frontieres France

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) translates to Doctors without Borders. We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - bound together by our charter.  Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organization.

MSF was founded in 1971 in Paris by a group of journalists and doctors.


 Gross: 634 USD
 Section/Unit: PHC project, Khartoum south, Jabal Awliaa
 Grade Level: 3
 Supervisor: Activity Manager
 No. of Post: 2
 Duty Station: Khartoum South, Jabal Awliaa
 Duration: 6 months
 Closing Date: 29 June 2022


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF France) France is an international non-governmental organization working in the field of medical care in Sudan. We are looking for a qualified candidate to fill in the position of Community Health Educator

 Duties and responsibilities:

Prepare, provide and present health education sessions to the population/patients according MSF principles and values in order to promote health information through health measures and hygiene conditions as well as provide information about MSF activities in order to facilitate access to healthcare.

  • Prepare material and deliver health education sessions, messages and topics addressed to different populations regarding hygiene, diseases and prevention.
  • Ensure all the patients and caretakers are well informed, according to protocols, about health related issues and services provided.
  • Monitor health situation and living conditions of the population by conducting nutritional screening, collecting information related to food security, checking vaccination status of children, looking actively for any defaulters in programs that require this type of research, collecting information on number of people arriving or leaving the community, births and deaths in the community, etc.
  • Identify people with medical problems, contact with medical team and report for immediate transfer if needed. He/she has to inform to the line manager about any problem encountered (population, equipment, material…).
  • Report to line manager of all results of screening and visits on a regular basis.


  • This job description may be amended in line with the activities or evolution of the Mission.

 Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:


Literacy essential. An internal MSF training on health messages will be necessary.


None is required.


Mission language desirable and local language essential.


  • Results
  • Teamwork
  • Flexibility
  • Commitment
  • Service
  • Stress Management

Applications must be in English language and include:

  • Complete CV and Copies of all certificates and diplomas.
  • Cover letter in English
  • Updated contact details (candidate’s phone number and a backup phone number)
  • Sudanese National ID.  Copy of Labor card and civil certificate.

Application should be submitted on or before 29th June 2022 in sealed envelope mentioning “MSF France- application for Community Heath Educator”, in MSF France Office at Al Ryad district, Block#12, House#2, Jazer street, Khartoum State.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Note:  Covid19 risk factors will be done by MSF staff health before the confirmation of the contract.

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